Thursday, January 12, 2012


It’s bathed in darkness, but its presence is certain.
Composing art on the windows,
performing lullabies on the roof.
It’s the epitome of beauty and mystery.

But in this world, the most beautiful and mysterious
are often the most threatening.

Embrace the beauty.
Dance in the mystery.

But when it suddenly gains strength,
the art on the windows will become shattered windows on the floor.
The soft lullabies on the roof will crescendo into something more powerful…
something not your taste.

Stay strong.

It’s intent was not to cause ill feelings,
and the force will always weaken.
Remember the nights surrounded in blankets
while it filled your world with just a little more comfort.
Sooner than you think,
the art on the windows and the music on your roof will reemerge..
or disappear.

Appreciate it while it’s here.
