Friday, June 24, 2011


Sing me a tune that will put me to sleep,
a song that’s as soft as it’s sweet
In through my ears to my soul, it will seep;
the first step to a dream world, complete.
As my lids shut and my breaths become deep,
relaxed from my head to my feet
I’ll rejoice knowing that I no longer count sheep
as your melody’s sung on repeat


Monday, June 20, 2011

My Words

My words will be
the life in me,
the death of me,
what’s left of me.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011


I’ve spent years replacing my bones with steel and my skin with leather
so that my blood, organs, and veins could reside safely inside a shell resistant to negative forces

I’ve placed permanent plugs in my tear ducts
and sliced the muscles that allow the corners of my mouth to droop downward

I’ve turned my body from an average land vessel
to a shatterproof life vessel

Your words are like a thousand bullets fired from an army of hate
but they are not piercing my exterior

Keep trying.


Wednesday, June 01, 2011

If I Were Mute

If I could not speak, oh, the things I would say
I’d pour out my heart without slightest delay
My hands would touch gently, my breath would be soft
I’d kiss you so sweetly, with spirits aloft
I’d grin with my lips, and I’d smile with my eyes
The language of body would tell you no lies
I’d confess my true feelings, day after day
If I could not speak, oh, the things I would say

