Thursday, April 26, 2012

Good morning, my love!

Goodmorning, my love!
The day is grey,
so rest away the day, you may.
But don’t forget that when you rise,
our love will brighten up the skies.
So rise and shine, and lend a kiss!
You’ve slept for hours and were missed.


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Constructed Poetry

poetry that
is constructed in
a “form” with lines that rhyme.
Refrains with perfect meter,
trochees, iambs, syllable counts,
assonance and alliteration:
Poetry with form is like a puzzle.
And as much as I enjoy puzzles,
there is something so refreshing
about writing words that say
nothing but what I feel.
No hidden meanings
or messages,
just feelings
on a
